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Let me re-introduce myself, y’all.

coaching midlife midlifemidwife schedule Dec 12, 2022

It’s become very clear that I am a Midwife for folks in Midlife: a Midlife Midwife.

And, mostly, I find that what folks need is a witness first, for all that they have achieved so far, and second, one for the lost possibilities.

I listen, and hold that space, as these losses are real. But that’s not where we stop, and not why they called me in.

I’m then their creative thought partner in reexamining their new hopes, and how this works well with who they are now. Not then, but now.

From thought partner, I become a co-producer in midwifing the meaningful life they wish for, and have walked partners all the way to launch.

The launch is glorious.

The launch, just like watching my friend Heather get sworn to the SC State House of Representatives the other day, is where this particular auntie has to dab her eyes.

It’s just like opening a show, recognizing that I’ve come full circle, back into witness. Witnessing what had been hinted at in early sessions, but now is in full bloom.

This cycle is intimate and intense, important and sacred.

Although I’ll be launching a group in 2023, there’s a space or two for you if this sort of support is what would get you into your glorious third act.

Let’s chat soon.


Shannon Ivey, Your Midlife Midwife

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